Our Approach to Safeguarding Children
The Safeguarding Team’s Approach to safeguarding children
This is the best practice to managing safeguarding at school level. Practically, there is always cover for absence and a number of professionals trained to know what to do if there were concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a child. It also encourages a culture of collaborative working and collective decision making, with the child at the heart of the team’s practice.
The team approach is supportive to the DSL who, as a result of a team structure, no longer works in isolation and take the sole responsibility for safeguarding.
Importantly, the DSL leads the Safeguarding Team and, on a day to day basis, decision will be made by the DSL. Team members need to be clear of their role within the team and what is expected from them. Debriefing and reflective practice is an important part of safeguarding practice and should be routinely built into safeguarding team meetings.