What is classed as Persistent Absence?
Persistent Absence is classed as any absence that equates to over 10% of the academic year at any given time. Any pupil who appears on the persistent absence list may be monitored formally by Warrington School Attendance Services. The thresholds are set out below:
Close of first half-term: 3.5 days in total
Close of 2nd half-term: 7 days in total
Close of 3rd half-term: 10 days in total
Close of 4th half-term: 12.5 days in total
Close of 5th half-term: 15.5 days in total
Close of 6th half-term: 19 days in total
Leave of Absence
The Education Regulations 2013 states that Headteachers may not grant leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. In exceptional circumstances the school will consider a request for leave of absence for one period of absence only. Weddings and family events are not classed as special or exceptional circumstances. You will need to request leave of absence by letter at least six weeks prior to the proposed date of absence. This will still impact on attendance.
School Support Systems For Promoting Regular Attendance
In order to ensure good attendance from all our pupils we have a graduated support system as outlined below:
Stage |
Attendance Thresholds |
Actions |
Excellent |
96%-100% |
- 100% attendance certificates half-termly
- Prize drawers half-termly
- Bronze, silver and gold certificates
- Letters sent each half-term
- Dedicated attendance weeks -rewards for 100% attendance
Stage 1 |
Below 96%- 94% |
- Form Tutor Support
- Form tutor interview- Verbally
- Pupil voice through attendance proformas and interviews
- Parent/carer informed
- Letters sent –tiered approach
Stage 2 |
Below 94%- 92% |
- Head of Year support- weekly meetings
- Parent/Carer informed by meeting or phone
- Pupil voice – as above
- Barriers to learning identified
- Attendance target set and reviewed weekly
- Letters home
- Education Penalty Notice warning letters
- Attendance report
- EWO one off visits or letters
Stage 3 |
92%-90% |
- Attendance team input
- Parental meetings
- Medical evidence
- Attendance plans
- Home visits
Stage 4 |
Below 90% |
- For cases 85% or below- EWO caseload with some intervention below 90%-85%
- All absences to be unauthorised unless covered by medical evidence
- School issue Education Penalty warning notice
- School Attendance Service issue fast track prosecution
- Action plan for improved attendance agreed with parent/carer and school attendance service
- Multi-agency referral if required
Stage 5 |
Attendance does not improve- statutory proceedings. |
- Block prosecution
- EWO casework stage 4
- Education Penalty Notice issued
- Court process- prosecution
- Education Supervision Order
The Attendance Support Team
We have a dedicated team of staff at Penketh High School who work on attendance; Miss Taylor, Assistant Principal works closely with the attendance officers, Miss Hurley and Miss Bradbury, the HOY and when appropriate Warrington Attendance services to scrutinise our attendance data daily, weekly and half termly.
As you would expect, we have very high standards and are committed to all our pupils making maximum progress. The attendance staff are always happy to offer advice and support to pupils, parents/carers and families on effective strategies for maximising attendance. If you would like more details, please do not hesitate to contact school.
Persistent absence is when a pupil enrolment’s overall absence equates to 10 per cent or more of their possible sessions. This means that if your child’s attendance is 90% or below then they are classed as persistently absent. Extremely persistent absence is where your child’s attendance falls to 50% or below. This will result in support from both Penketh and the local authority
What can parents do to help?
It is important that you inform us of any medical or emotional issues that may be affecting your child’s attendance to enable us to offer the appropriate support. If you suspect that your son or daughter is experiencing any problems or issues at school that may be affecting their attendance, please make contact with us as soon as possible either via email or contact school on 01925 722298. This will alert us to any problems and help us to work with you towards resolving any issues. It is important that your son or daughter understands that you are working with the school to ensure that there are no barriers to learning and that you do not condone absence. It is important that you endorse the school’s rules on punctuality, attendance and dress code with your children. Late arrival to school will result in your child being set a detention. Please ensure that your child is dressed to learn, has the correct equipment for the day ahead and follows the school rules regarding appearance and makeup.
Pupils responsibility
- Aim for 100% attendance.
- Follow the dress code set by Penketh High School.
- Be punctual all lessons.
- Be equipped and ready to learn.
- Visit the toilets at break time and lunchtime.
- In case of lateness, report to reception to sign in and provide a note from home with an explanation for the late arrival to school.