Year 7

Welcome to RE

An introduction to religion, designed to develop skills of enquiry and to explore pupils own spirituality.

Faith and You

Pupils look at religious communities, principles of Christianity, Islam and Buddhism E.g. Prayer, Five Pillars, 10 Commandments, Four Noble Truths, Celebrations.


Pupils study the growth of Christianity across the world, its impact on reducing racism, discrimination and prejudice and a selection of key influential people in society (past and present), whose beliefs encouraged them to stand up for change.

Year 8

Paths to Peace

Pupils study the relationship between religion and peace, tackling misconceptions of Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. They research beliefs and teachings about peace, war, crime, tolerance and forgiveness. Pupils will research inspirational people (and organisations), who have worked to bring peace to society.

Mysteries of the Universe

Pupils will discuss “Big” questions such as why is there evil and suffering in the world, who created the world, is there life after death. The “Big” questions are discussed from a variety of perspectives including religious and non-religious.

Our Beliefs

Pupils consider the impact of upbringing on life decisions, perspectives and points of view.

Year 9

GCSE Paper 1 Unit 1 Muslim Beliefs

Pupils discuss the key beliefs and practices of contemporary Islam. Investigating the importance of scripture on today’s modern world and eschatological thoughts.

GCSE Paper 1 Unit 3 Marriage and the Family in Islam

Pupils explore issues of contemporary Muslim communities via marriage, contraception, family life and divorce.

GCSE Paper 2 Unit 1 Christian Beliefs

Pupils discuss the key beliefs and practices of contemporary Christianity. Investigating the importance of scripture on today’s modern world and eschatological thoughts.

Year 10

GCSE Paper 2 Unit 1 Christian Beliefs

Pupils discuss the key beliefs and practices of contemporary Christianity. Investigating the importance of scripture on today’s modern world and eschatological thoughts.

GCSE Paper 2 Unit 3 Crime and Punishment in Christianity

Pupils explore the principles of the UK justice system, including justice, crime, punishment, rehabilitation and forgiveness. Pupils will consider Christian and non-religious perspectives on these topics and participate in debates of a moral and ethical nature.

GCSE Paper 1 Unit 2 Living the Muslim Life

Pupils analyse how Muslim beliefs are put into practice in a modern society, including the purpose of prayer, pilgrimage and celebrations. Pupils will also discuss the future of Islam, locally, nationally and internationally.

Year 11

GCSE Paper 2 Unit 4 Peace and Conflict in Christianity

Pupils will investigate Christian teachings about and attitudes to peace, war, armed conflict, weapons of mass destruction, terrorism and pacifism.

GCSE Paper 1 Unit 2 Living the Muslim Life

Pupils analyse how Muslim beliefs are put into practice in a modern society, including the purpose of prayer, pilgrimage and celebrations. Pupils will also discuss the future of Islam, locally, nationally and internationally.

GCSE Paper 2 Unit 2 Living the Christian Life

Pupils analyse how Christian beliefs are put into practice in a modern society, including the purpose of prayer, pilgrimage and celebrations. Pupils will also discuss the future of the church, locally, nationally and internationally.

GCSE Paper 1 Unit 4 Matters of Life and Death in Islam

Pupils investigate key beliefs in Islam about life after death. Pupils will also debate the sanctity of life and how Islam responds to issues in the natural world.

Key Skills


Key beliefs in Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.


Sources of authority and apply these to modern issues.


Differing points of view; range of views.


Teachings, beliefs, texts and opinions, to use to then formulate a justified opinion of their own.


Key religious teachings to modern society and key events.


The impact of religion on the developing world and world events.

Assessment of Learning

Years 7 & 8

Religious Education at Key Stage Three is assessed using extended answer questions based on ethical and philosophical debates.

Years 9, 10 & 11

GCSE RE – Edexcel Exam Specification B, studying two world religions.

GCSE RE Exam Questions from past papers.

Pupils studying ASDAN are continuously assessed using the project criteria.