Year 7

Autumn Term

Matter: particles & separating mixtures

Organisms: cells & movement

Magnetism and Earth: magnetism and global warming

Reactions: Metals and non-metals

Spring Term

Forces: Gravity, mass and weight

Space: The universe

Reproduction: Human reproduction and pregnancy

Electricity: Series and parallel circuits

Ecology: Food webs and flowering plants

Summer Term

Genetics: Variation and natural selection

Acids & Alkalis:  pH scale and reactions

Revision and preparation for exams

Enrichment/Wider Reading

Year 7& 8 Science Club Wednesday 13:30-14:00 in D10

TCAT Engineering Competition

Seneca learning online revision

Key Stage 3 Collins Science Revision Guide

BBC Bitesize KS3

Year 8

Autumn Term

Digestion: Enzymes, body parts

Forces: Equilibrium, pressure & floating

Electromagnets: How to investigate the strength of electromagnets

Periodic Table: Metals, elements, compounds

Breathing: how do we breathe, effects of disease

Waves: Sounds, reflection and refraction

Spring Term

Ecosystems: photosynthesis & respiration

Energy: Work & temperature


Reactions: Exothermic and endothermic reactions

Summer Term

Earth: Understanding the atmosphere, global warming

Fundamental skills review: diffusion, cells, separating mixtures, particle model, energy

Revision and preparation for exams

Enrichment/Wider Reading

Year 7& 8 Science Club Wednesday 13:30-14:00 in D10

Big Bang Northwest visit

Seneca learning online revision

Key Stage 3 Collins Science Revision Guide

BBC Bitesize KS3

Year 9

Autumn Term


Cells to Systems







Energy Transfers


Spring Term



Healthy Lifestyles


Separating techniques



Energy in the home

Electricity fundamentals

Waves (triple only)

Summer Term

Enrichment/Wider Reading

AQA Collins GCSE revision guide

BBC Class clips

Seneca learning online revision

STEM projects – UU/Sellafield/Conference

Year 10

Autumn Term

B3 Infection & Response

B4 Photosynthesis  & Respiration

C4 Chemical Changes

C5 Energy Changes

P4 Atomic Structure

P6 Waves

Spring Term

B6 Inheritance, Variation & Evolution

C5 Energy Changes

C6 Rate of Chemical Change

P6 Waves

P5 Forces (Forces and Motion)

Summer Term

B7 Ecology

C7 Organic Chemistry

P5 Forces (Forces and Motion)

Enrichment/Wider Reading

AQA Collins GCSE revision guide

BBC Class clips

Seneca –

Tuesday – Biology KS4 Clinic D06 (lunch)

Weds – Chemistry KS4 Clinic D09 (lunch)

Thursday – Physics KS4 Clinic D02 (lunch)

STEM Careers Day / Engineering Workshops

STEM club (RF) – Wednesday D07 (lunch)

Year 11

Autumn Term

B7 Ecology

C8 Chemical Analysis

C9 Atmosphere

P6 Waves

Spring Term

B6 Inheritance, Variation & Evolution

C10 Using Resources

P7 Magnetism & Electromagnetism

Summer Term



Enrichment/Wider Reading

EPS Sessions on Wednesday 3.15-4pm

Collins AQA GCSE Revision Guides

Seneca –

Tuesday – Biology KS4 Clinic D06 (lunch)

Weds – Chemistry KS4 Clinic D09 (lunch)

Thursday – Physics KS4 Clinic D02 (lunch)

Assessment of Learning

Each half term:

All years will complete three common TCAT assessments

Years 7 & 8

Pupils will complete:

  • End of topic tests consisting of 15 MCQ which are self-assessed
  • A mini assessment using extended writing
  • A full write up of an investigation and analysis of the results completed

Year 9

Pupils will complete

  • End of topic tests consisting of 15 MCQ and short answer questions to test application of knowledge.
  • A complete practical investigation consisting of method, analysis, conclusion and evaluation
  • End of KS3 Exam (TCAT)

Years 10 & 11

Each unit includes:

  • investigation write up assessment (linked to required practical)
  • an interleaving assessment (linked to previous topic)
  • a summative end of unit test
  • in addition there are mock exams linked to the school assessment calendar