Year 9

Autumn Term

Enterprise Introduction

Spring Term

Market research project – Design a product

Summer Term

R065 Coursework – Design a business proposal

Enrichment/Wider Reading

Local entrepreneurs share knowledge for topics –

Helen Davies – Easypets/EasyTots

Andrew Hibbert – Isupply/Real5network

Jamie Boyd – Today Team/Princes Trust

Nicola Gordon – Fashion Designer

Text book – Cambridge National Level 1/2 Enterprise and Marketing (Cambridge National 1/2)

 Tutor2u, GCSE Bitesize

 My Revision Notes: Cambridge National Level 1/2 Enterprise and Marketing

Year 10

Autumn Term

R065 Coursework – Design a business proposal

R064 topics covered in R065



Spring Term

R065 Coursework

R064 topics covered in R065



Summer Term

R064 Exam content – Enterprise and marketing concepts

New topics




Enrichment/Wider Reading

Local entrepreneurs share knowledge for topics –
Helen Davies – Easypets/EasyTots
Andrew Hibbert – Isupply/Real5network
Jmaie Boyd – Today Team/Princes Trust
Nicola Gordon – Fashion Designer

Text book – Cambridge National Level 1/2 Enterprise and Marketing (Cambridge National 1/2)

Tutor2u, GCSE Bitesize

My Revision Notes: Cambridge National Level 1/2 Enterprise and Marketing

Year 11

Autumn Term

R066 Coursework

Market and pitch a business proposal; branding and pitching the hat design

Homework – revision

R064 Exam content – Enterprise and marketing concepts

Spring Term



Market and pitch a business proposal; branding and pitching the hat design

Homework – revision

R064 Exam content – Enterprise and marketing concepts

Summer Term

R064 Exam content – Enterprise and marketing concepts

Revise all LO’s

Enrichment/Wider Reading

Local entrepreneurs share knowledge for topics

Text book – Cambridge National Level 1/2 Enterprise and Marketing (Cambridge National 1/2)

Tutor2u, GCSE Bitesize

My Revision Notes: Cambridge National Level 1/2 Enterprise and Marketing

Assessment of Learning

Year 10

Enterprise assessment – multiple choice questions and short answer questions

Unit R064: Enterprise and marketing concepts

which is worth 50% of your grade and is assessed via an external exam.

This question paper has two parts:

  • Part A – comprising of 16 multiple choice questions (MCQs)
  • Part B – comprising of short answer questions and three extended response questions.

Unit R065: Design a business proposal

which is worth 25% of your grade and is assessed by a piece of coursework


Year 11

Unit R066: Market and pitch a business proposal

which is worth 25% of your grade and is assessed by a piece of coursework